Dragon Boat use:

Dragon boats may only be used for FCRCC dragon boat practices, races, or other authorized FCRCC activities within specified practice times. There are two types of dragon boat teams: Club Member teams and Dragon Boat Only teams. (See specific Dragon Boat Team Agreements for details)

Dragon boat practice slots are restricted to the registered rostered teams and no other teams may utilize that slot without registering or booking through the Club Administrator. All practice times are booked through the FCRCC Club Administrator.

Surfski use:

Paddlers wishing to use an FCRCC surfski must be an individual member of FCRCC holding the appropriate membership type.

  • Paddlers must have completed a Surfski program prior to being allowed to take out a club Surfski.
  • FCRCC courses, i.e. the club Surfski programs, has priority use of the Surfskis during scheduled course times. Any surfski not in use 10 minutes after a course is scheduled to begin may be used by club members.

Outrigger Canoe use:

Paddlers wishing to use an FCRCC outrigger canoe (OC1, OC2, OC4, OC6) must be an individual member of FCRCC holding the appropriate membership type.

OC1 and OC2 use:

  • Paddlers must have completed an OC1 orientation program or its equivalent for the boat model they want to use and successfully completed a Huli drill prior to being allowed to paddle the specific OC1. The club is encouraging all FCRCC OC1 users to do an annual cold water huli. At some point in the future, this may become mandatory if using club equipment.
  • FCRCC courses such as the Small Boat Coaching programs have priority use of the OC1s during scheduled course times. Any boat not in use 10 minutes after a course is scheduled to begin may be used by club members.
  • OC1s and OC2s may be reserved in advance through the FCRCC Program Coordinator for FCRCC team time trials, races or events.
  • OC2s are reserved for outrigger team use during scheduled OC6 team practices. An FCRCC member holding the appropriate membership, and having completed the required orientation, may use the OC2 outside of scheduled team practice times provided they reserve the boat through the club reservation system.
  • To use the Tempest OC2, the individual club member must attend an orientation for that boat, given by the Outrigger representative or another Representative of an Outrigger team who has committed to take the responsibility for the orientation.
  • The Tempest OC2 and Huki OC2 must be booked for any events or races as per OC1s. Bookings must be made in advance through the Program Coordinator and the Club Administrator.

OC4 and OC6 (team boat) use:

  • Use of the OC6s and the OC4 is restricted to crew practices within assigned team practice times.
  • FCRCC dragonboat teams may book practices in the OC6 and OC4. The dragon boat team paddlers must hold the appropriate club membership. The entire team must complete an OC6 orientation course and supervised outdoor huli recovery and be certified proficient in these matters by the FCRCC Program Coordinator or Outrigger Representative.
  • Once approved by the Program Coordinator or Outrigger Representative, the teams may book their time slots with the club administrator. (Note: teams could do a warm water huli to allow them on the water but will be required to do a cold water huli at a later date.)
  • Each individual member of an FCRCC outrigger team must complete a huli drill a minimum of once per year.

Booking OC6 and OC4 outside of scheduled team practice times:

  • FCRCC outrigger teams may use the OC6s and OC4 for additional training purposes in preparation for special events such as World Sprints or international distance races that may require more practice time than can be accommodated during the regularly scheduled team practices. These must be booked in advance through the Club’s Outrigger Representative and the Club Administrator.
  • Team leaders may book extra training time through the FCRCC Administrator (admin@fcrcc.com).
  • The club administrator in consultation with the Outrigger Representative will consider each request and book approved requests.
  • It is essential that all boats be returned to the Burrard Compound at least 15 minutes prior to any scheduled team activity.

Special Events:

  • Due to safety concerns for both equipment and paddlers, club boats may not be used to view the annual January 1st Polar Bear Swim or any annual Summer Celebration of Lights firework displays. This includes all Club boats, no exceptions.